Institutional Precertification FAQs
The precertification system has the same operating hours as our entire BCBSKS Website and this question is more easily answered by telling you when the BCBSKS Website is not available. It is not available Sundays from 6:00 p.m. to midnight central time.
If you're actively working in the BCBSKS Web-based precertification section moving from page to page, there is no time limitation. If you're logged into the system but sitting idle, you will be automatically logged off after 30 minutes. This automatic log off process is not limited to the precertification system, but applies to the entire BCBSKS Website.
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Please review our Tech Support Q&A for assistance.
Information about changes to the precertification system will be posted on our Website. To receive automatic email notification regarding website updates, you need to subscribe to the electronic mailing notice for latest news. Subscribe now.
Available in the provider publication section of our Website, you have access to the precertification training manual and to an on-line training module.
The Education Coordinator is also available for technical questions (i.e. how to get around the Website). She can be reached at (785) 291-7236. For clinical type questions or questions regarding InterQual, you can call BCBSKS Medical Review at 1-800-782-4437. Also be sure to subscribe to the electronic mailing list. Subscribe now.
After submitting a precertification, verify that the following information is complete:
- A precertification (control) number has been assigned
- A length of stay has been given
- A certified/review date has been assigned
You may also verify the precertification was received by viewing the precertification on the PRECERTIFICATION IN PROCESS for your facility.
If you accidentally get into InterQual® and do not have any information to enter, click on the box that says SAVE in the upper right-hand corner to exit. DO NOT use the back button.
You will need to close your browser (click the "X" in the upper right hand corner) and go back into the browser.
Again, you cannot use the browser BACK button while in InterQual®. You will need to click your mouse in the Criteria Subset box that is located in the box that runs along the left-hand side of the screen. By clicking there, you will get an option to change the subset.
If you do select the wrong criteria set, category or subset, refer to the Precertification Manual for instructions.