I truly believe this program is the best kept secret
I truly believe this program is the best kept secret, because we knew nothing about it until I received a cold call from Theresa, a Blue Cross & Blue Shield Rep, during the Summer of 2017.
Once Theresa explained Healthy Options to me, I was definitely interested, but the timing wasn’t right for me or my husband, Tim. I felt we would be more successful if Tim and I started the program together. Tim was just getting ready to have back surgery. I asked Theresa to call me back after Tim recovered from surgery, and she did. As a matter of fact, she was so patient and called me back after he recovered from two additional surgeries.
My doctor was going to put me on medicine to control high cholesterol, but I asked if I could work on exercising more and eating healthier to avoid that. She agreed and scheduled new labs for three months to see if it was making a difference. Fortunately my labs improved enough to continue without meds at that time. I also needed to lose some weight, which would help my cholesterol.
In recent years, we both noticed how it was becoming more difficult to lose weight as we are getting older. Tim had gained excess weight since he wasn’t able to exercise prior to his surgeries and knew he needed to get some weight off, too.
Tim and I started the Healthy Options Program in early January of 2020 and have been very impressed with this program. We were each assigned a nurse that calls us monthly to check on our status, helps us set goals, and shares helpful advice going forward.
The program is very educational. The guidance I received from Nurse Julie has been very informative and helpful to stay focused on improving our health. We’ve learned how to shop smarter and healthier. You learn the cause of your health issues, and then how to improve them. Our nurses provided small pamphlets to help us understand the health issues and tools to improve our conditions. Plus, with the nurse checking in each month, it helped us stay focused to be held accountable. Tim’s had the same experience and has been very successful in losing weight and improving his lab results, too.
Nurse Julie helped me set goals each month that were reasonable, and then I did my part by achieving them. Some weeks were easier than others, due to our schedules, but we worked hard to stay on track knowing it is beneficial to our health.
I’ve been very consistent with brisk walks daily for at least an hour to an hour and ten minutes at a time and eating healthier, and it’s made a difference.
Quote from Tim & Laura Boxberger
Nurse Julie helped me set goals each month that were reasonable, and then I did my part by achieving them. Some weeks were easier than others, due to our schedules, but we worked hard to stay on track knowing it is beneficial to our health.

To be successful takes discipline and commitment on your part, but the rewards are so beneficial! We have noticed the following:
- More energy
- Resting better through the night
- Feel much better mentally and physically and look better with the excess weight gone
- We’re not snoring like we used to (Of course, neither one of us believe we snore!
Initially, I set a goal of losing 25 pounds, and I met that goal in May. By early August, I had lost an additional 10 pounds for a total of 35 pounds. I have continued to keep my cholesterol under control without meds. Tim has lost over 50 pounds and is continuing to meet his goal, too. We both feel so much better!
Thanks Blue Cross & Blue Shield for adding such a wonderful program with no additional cost to help your members! I also give a lot of credit to Nurse Julie for being such a great listener with compassion to help me during this time! This program is truly beneficial, and we’re very grateful for it!
One of our nurses can help you
BCBSKS offers programs for asthma, diabetes, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, maternity, tobacco cessation, stress management and weight management. When you enroll in one of these programs, our registered nurses will provide one-on-one support, coaching and education to you as well!
To enroll, call 800-520-3137 or visit bcbsks.com/Enroll. These programs are available to members who have BCBSKS as the primary carrier.