Logo library
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas corporate logo
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas logo is available for members of the media to download for use with articles that involve our company. Please do not alter any elements within the logos. You may download and use the logo exactly as it appears here.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation logo
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation logo is available for members of the media to download for use with articles that involve our company. Please do not alter any elements within the logos. You may download and use the logo exactly as it appears here.

Licensee Disclosure
Licensee disclosure is also a Blue Cross Blue Shield Association legal requirement. The statement can be placed anywhere on the piece. The type must be at least 6 point in size and must remain legible and relatively independent of other copy or graphics. One of the following statements must be included whenever the company name is mentioned:
"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association."
"The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association."
"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association."
"An independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association."