Return KHIN Consent Form for QBRP Incentive
As a reminder, please return the consent form authorizing KHIN to transport data from your organization(s) to Verinovum, the clinical data curation partner for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas (BCBSKS).
For the 2020 Quality-Based Reimbursement Program (QBRP), BCBSKS has partnered with Verinovum to develop a clinical data repository. As previously communicated, BCBSKS and KHIN have agreed to work as partners in the procurement of EMR data. With this arrangement, it is not necessary for your facility to have a direct connection to Verinovum. Your existing connection(s) with KHIN will be routed to Verinovum from KHIN without any further system integration or work on your part.
You should have received a consent request from KHIN to allow all of your EMR data submitted to KHIN to be routed from KHIN to Verinovum. BCBSKS and KHIN are working to ensure that only BCBSKS member data will go to BCBSKS. If you haven't received the form or have questions, please contact Laura McCrary EdD, KHIN Executive Director, at [email protected] or Josh Mosier at [email protected].
Special Note — While all HL7 V2 feeds or CCD HL7 V3 (with HL7 V2 ADT and HL7 V2 Lab) will qualify for QBRP incentives for 2020, we will be moving in 2021 to only pay QBRP incentives when all five HL7 V2 feeds or CCD HL7 V3 (with HL7 V2 ADT and HL7 V2 Lab) are transmitted. Our goal is to have a comprehensive, complete, and useable clinical data repository. We want you to be aware of this change for 2021 now so you can consider it as you plan for adding new feeds to KHIN.
If you should have any questions regarding this communication, please contact your Institutional Provider Relations Consultant.